Heya Newgrounds! I'm Megan (LittleLamby is my NG screen name), and I've finally signed back up for Newgrounds after forgetting my old accounts' password. I'm too lazy to figure it out, so I'm getting a fresh start.
I'm 19, a professional voice actor and casting director! I've voiced in a few games (one includes an FNF mod; FNF Eyecatcher VS Cherry), and I've also gone through training as a script writer with a Crunchyroll staff member. I own my own media production studio, which is "Porcelain Doll Studios". I got a lot of ambitious projects coming up, and one of them is a project that gives back to the Newgrounds community. Planning it might take a while, but I look forward to collaborating with y'all when this comes to fruition!
I'm also a cosplayer, graphic designer, and a very new beginner artist. I love Newgrounds, and my favorite games on here are Pico's School and Pico Blast! I'm a massive Pico fan haha.
I look forward to making some friends and mutuals here!! Y'all rock, take care guys :)